Gail and Jerry





Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 41 Road trip to Homer

Today started with coffee, CNN, Fox News,Weather, a call to Sleazy & Breezy. and MOOSE!  Gail saw them out the window and went for the camera. I got my coat and went out to make friends. Heidi growled.

There were 2 calves, but I only saw this one before Pam chased them off.

The lady across the street came out to take pictures. But she was too late. Pam had already chased them off.
You might be able to tell, they are from Oklahoma too. They are from Kansas, OK (80mi east of Tulsa). They have been at this park for 2 months, fishing. She said they go stripper fishing at Lake Texoma at least once every year.

A little later, Lon got up and we headed for Homer (as far south as you can go in Alaska by road).
Along the way we stopped for the scenery.
This valcano is Mt Redoubt, I think.
In front of it is the Cook Inlet, maybe.

This might be Mt. ILiamna, another volcano.

This explains it all.

The village of Ninilchik.   click on pic

They actually do catch fish here.

Here is the fishing fleet. They have a fish processing and canning operation here.

A Russian Orthadox Church.

Made it to Homer after 18 stops and 132 pictures.

What a good looking group of tourist! Nice dog too!

That thing out in the water there is known as "The Homer Spit". That is where IT is happening in Homer.

The most famous structure in Homer and most photographed.
The Salty Daug Saloon.

We couldn't hold Lon back.

BUT Pam got in first. Reminds me of the No-Name Pub in the Keys.


If ever in Homer, Captain Pattie's is a great place to eat!

This is a collection of who knows what, but it was interesting.

Tomorrow we head a few miles south. Going back to that little Ninilchik village and just relax for couple of down days. The days are getting shorter, as we actually have some darkness at night. We heard it snowed in Denali a couple of days ago. Good thing we are half way threw our Alaska adventure. I'm thinkin' it might be getting close to time to get out of here!