Gail and Jerry





Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 64 Whitehorse to Boya Lake

We left Whitehorse and drove 260 mi (5hr) to Watson Lake and the SignPost Forest, where Lon posted Pam's sign.

At the very top. 3 signs up from our sign of 2007, on the same post.

That done, we headed south on the Cassiar Highway. (Lon has a problem with the Canadian terminology of "Highway")

There was a large fire early summer 2011.

We landed at Boya Lake Provincial Park.

Really beautiful lake.

Heidi had to go fishing, then realised how cold it is in Canada.

A place like this, you just have to do hotdogs and burgers.
Tomorrow.....Stewart, Hyder. Maybe.

Day 63 Gakona to Whitehorse, YT

Out of the Gaknoa RV park at 9 AM.  We were reminded that moose season had just opened.

As we drove east we noticed that fall might be upon us.
This motivated us to drive faster and farther.  Nine hours and 510 miles later we were parked in Whitehorse,YT. Right in front of Pam and Lon. They came to see us. And we had a cocktail or two.
Off to Watkins Lake tomorrow. Maybe.

Day 62 Anchorage to Gakona, AK

                                    Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011. It is all back together and running!

Ryon tops off the coolant at 4 PM.

And, We are out of there! "Happiness is Anchorage in My rear view mirror"

Passed the ice field.

Headed toward the mountain.
Passed Glenallen and arrived at the Gakona Alaska RV Park at 8:30. Bed time.