Gail and Jerry





Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 76 West Yellowstone to Jackson Hole, WY

                                 Early start today, 7:30. Trying to beat the Elk Jam in the park.

We didn't.
But it was short this early.

Down the south loop toward the south entrance.

We crossed the divide 3 times.

About 10 miles after leaving the south entrance of Yellowstone.

Wyoming = horses

And there are the Tetons.
Rocky Mountain scenery offers dramatic vistas but few more impressive than the Teton skyline. As the Teton Range rose through sporadic earthquakes producing jolts, the valley called Jackson Hole subsided. Because of the way the mountains formed, no foothills hide jagged peaks and broad canyons. At the base of the range, large lakes mirror the mountains on calm summer days, doubling their prominence.

And we landed in Jackson, WY

Wyoming law enforcement.

Town square. These elk antler arches are on all 4 corners. A must picture for all tourists.

Let the shopping begin!

Jerry and Gail shared a laugh.

Then Lon found a place to shop.
"Millionaire Cowboy Bar"

Jackson is much like Santa Fe with bronze sculptures everywhere.
The prices are similar too!

Gail hit on St. Frances.

 Then Einstein
Tomorrow Salt Lake City.  Maybe.